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Check out all the places seen in this video:… The USA is a really big place. Within the wide-open spaces of the contiguous United States, as well as Alaska and the far-flung islands of Hawaii, there’s just about every climate and ecosystem you can imagine; from temperate rainforests and pine-clad mountains to deserts and scrublands. Naturally, there are a lot of national parks dedicated to preserving the best that nature has to offer in the USA. Otherworldly sandstone monuments, multicolored hot springs, craggy coastlines, scorching deserts – it’s all here. Have a look at the best national parks in America
13 of the most beautiful and popular National Parks in the United States. Yosemite (0:01), Zion (2:34), Canyonlands (4:58), Bryce (7:22), Rocky Mountain (10:02), Crater Lake (12:32), Arches (15:02), Great Smoky Mountains (17:44), Grand Teton (19:35), Yellowstone (21:35), Olympic (24:29), Glacier (25:56), Grand Canyon (28:16).
Check out all the places seen in this video:… Comprised of 50 states, the USA occupies an area that’s only just marginally smaller than Europe. It’s in this vast country that you will find an unbelievably diverse array of natural landscapes, cityscapes, people and cultures. From the tropical islands of Hawaii to the desert landscape of the Grand Canyon, as well as the multicultural cities such as Chicago and New York City, you’ll never be stuck for destinations to discover. Here’s a look at the best places to visit in the USA:
Check out all the places seen in this video:… When most people think of Florida, they think of sunshine, theme parks, orange juice and alligators. But this former Spanish colony, which became the 27th state to enter the Union, is much more than that. Bordered by the Atlantic Ocean on one side and the Gulf of Mexico on the other, it has mile upon mile of white sand beaches. Its moderate climate makes it a popular tourist destination all year round. An overview of the best places to visit in Florida.
A Travel Tips and guide for Miami & Superbowl LIV. For licensing or stock footage of this Miami video contact
The US of A, the land of the free, of liberty, of hotdogs, football, Hollywood and FREEDOM. But are there many facts about it? Well, yes, yes there are and I will deliver them to you on a star-spangled plate. Enjoy and God save the Queen. Oh whoops that’s for somewhere else.
As Phantom Planet once sung, “California, California, Califooooorrrrrniaaaaa”. Also as the Eagles sung, “Welcome to the Hotel California”. And Katy Perry did a song about girls from California. Point is, Cali is a popular place, so here’s some facts all about its history, strange laws and kind of crazy stats. Here’s 101 Facts About California.
Lights, Camera, Motherfaction! Are you a fan of movies? Geography? History?! Well you’re in luck because this video looks at ALL of these things!
Today we’re heading to The Big Apple, The City That Never Sleeps, The City So Nice They Named It Twice… That’s right motherfactors, it’s time for 101 Facts about New York City.
Check out all the places seen in this video:… With their shimmering waters and riveting reflections, lakes make for some of the most spectacular sights on earth. Whether they are bordered by towering mountain ranges, overgrown forests, or arid and desolate deserts, there is always something magical about seeing a lake’s surroundings mirrored in its waters. Add in the mesmerizing shades, gleaming surfaces, as well as bright blue skies above, and it’s easy to see why they are so sought after. Here’s a look at the most beautiful lakes in the world:
The world in 2050 is a future filled with amazing technology. By 2050, artificial intelligence and virtual reality will be ubiquitous. Quantum computing and advanced prosthetics will rise. We will move around the world with Hyperloop technology, evtols, electric cars, self driving vehicles, and electric/supersonic airplanes. Our packages will be delivered by drones and our power will come from renewable energy. There will be a permanent base on the Moon, humans on Mars, and space hotels in orbit. While our food consumption transforms, vertical farming and biotechnology will rise. Stem cells and CRISPR technologies will regenerate injuries and cure diseases. Lastly, we will battle climate change by removing carbon directly from the atmosphere. The future is exciting!
World’s Future Events By 2100! From what the future will bring, to the events that could change our world forever, join us as we explore what events will happen by 2100!
Check out all the places seen in this video:… South America is a continent of superlatives: the highest lake, the driest desert, the largest waterfall… Well, you get the picture. Environmentalists will enjoy the amazing fauna in the Amazon, while shoppers can choose between upscale boutiques in big cities like Rio de Janeiro or the colorful markets of Andean villages. You can explore lost cities of ancient civilizations, feast your eyes on stunning scenery almost everywhere you go or you can try out the local cuisine. It’s your choice, and South America gives you lots of them. Here’s a look at the best places to visit in South America:

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