4 Seasons Gardening information for the next 4 century.
reform story, promotional guide
From Big Bang around 14 billion years ago, the Hottest and coldest temperature was, is and going to be from around absolute zero -273 coldest to +10*32 zero degrees hottest in the universe and planet earth globally. ( from coldest -273.15 Celsius or to −459.67° on the Fahrenheit or zero Kelvin scale to 100’s billion or 10*32 Hottest shows up and down about energy ), ( also in matter the life span of atoms are from -0- to around +10*32 years-long too }
In these temperatures from -273 to 100 billion degrees coldest and hottest temperature, the living creature was created, or evolutionally start to live, grow and do reproduction in ( round numbers ) temperature betwine -100 to +100 Celsius or more precisely betwine -50 to +50 Celsius on earth.
( For 4 season garden project, we choose relevant lucky number 4 and 40 ) So in about, from -40 to +40 Celsius degree witch most or %90+ of humans and living creature lives in the water or lands globally.
From the beginning of life around 4 billion years ago in the water of the ocean and from the beginning of life around 400 million years ago on the lands of this planet on the face of the earth these -40 to +40 Celsius.
There are four major climate zones: tropical, temperate, polar, and living urban cities. Climate zones differ in temperature and precipitation. Tropical climates are usually warm and wet most of the year. Temperate climates cycle through all four seasons—winter, spring, summer, and autumn. Polar climates are usually cold and dry most of the year. Antarctica is in a polar climate zone. Most of the human living area isp in a temperate climate zone.
But most of the vegetations, insects, birds, mammals, primate especially humans favorite temperature was and is and going to be between +0 to+10 to +20 to + 30 to +40 degree
Humans in general from around 4 million years and Homo sapiens, ( the wise man ) the species to which all modern human beings belong by using the building, animal fur, clothing, and discovering using fire and electricity try to make and live on the moderate temperature of +21+22+23+24 celsius.
The human chosen temperature to live, work, educate, and social gathering in the home, offices, schools, stores, greenhouses, and anywhere else was, is and going to be for 100’s and thousands of years ( 21, 22, 23, 24 degrees).
So Four Season Gardening favorite and the chosen temperature was, is and going to be 21, 22, 23, 24 degrees:
21 degrees spring temperature
21 degrees and the year 2021 can be named Spring year and 2100 century named or call or nominate Spring century,
22 degrees and the year 2022 summer year and 2200 century named summer century, ( 22 degrees almost regular temperature everywhere )
and the year 2023 fall year and 2300 fall century
and the year 2024 winter year and 2400 century winter century.
( anyone anywhere who had, have or start as soon as possible any four seasons developments not necessary to wait )
Energy cause moving and moving cause time, so energy = moving = time.
The humans to measure time, mostly use ( BC and AD, BCE and CE ) calendar globally living now in the 2020s soon to 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 calendar year )
To put together in easy to remember words, ( mnemonic or cylon ) for everyone especially for billions of student now and in the future using relevant numbers and goals witch only can be happened one time in 14 billion years of Big Bang universe.
[ promotional guide promotes as an environmental and humanitarian social business, charities work or activities’ for humanity, living animals, vegetations and living being for now and futures to inform and raise attention, awareness, donations ]
4 billion years of from the beginning of life, 400 million years of life on lands, 40 million years of primate life, 4 million years of human life, 400/000 years of Homosapien life, 40/000 years of human immigration around the globe, in 4000 years history of civilized human and writing history and 400 years after the publishing of Folio Shakespeares book in the English language, and 40 years after transistor computer and internet and just around 4 to 6 years after un 2030 goals for all 100’s or 1000’s or million years to the future of human history. Also between coldest -273 to hottest 10*32 zero, most possible living temperature -40 to +40 to +21+22+23+24 degrees the best and most chosen favorite temperature.
Blow 21 degrees start to feel cool and need or desire warmer clothes.
Above 24 degrees starts to get feel warm or hot and start to feel or desire cooling air condition or cold drinks and so on….
[ So 7.8 billion humans and few billion younger students now and in the future, everybody can learn, memorize, remember and use information and energy easier, and faster. ] [ all the participants in 4sg promotion in the year 2021, 22, 23, 24 and 21, 22, 23, 24th Centurian gets credits in history.]
The normal human body temperature range is typically stated as 36.5–37.5 °C (97.7–99.5 °F) to ( 35 to 39 ) in 1,2,3,4 degrees differences.
It is controlled genetically, subconsciously, and unconsciously from 35 to 39 degrees celsius differents. But outside temperature controlled by mentally, consciously, wisdom, thoughts, information, experience, plans, action, and so on…
Human body temperature
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Human body temperature varies. It depends on sex, age, time of day, exertion level, health status (such as illness and menstruation), what part of the body the measurement is taken at, state of consciousness (waking, sleeping, sedated), and emotions. Body temperature is kept in normal range by thermoregulation, in which adjustment of temperature is triggered by the central nervous system.
Temperature classification |
Core (rectal, esophageal, etc.) Hypothermia<35.0 °C (95.0 °F) Normal36.5–37.5 °C (97.7–99.5 °F) Fever>37.5 or 38.3 °C (99.5 or 100.9 °F) Hyperthermia>37.5 or 38.3 °C (99.5 or 100.9 °F) Hyperpyrexia>40.0 or 41.0 °C (104.0 or 105.8 °F) |
( From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Absolute zero is the lowest limit of the temperature scale. By international agreement, absolute zero is taken as −273.15° on the Celsius scale (International System of Units), which equals −459.67° on the FahrBenheit scale (United States customary units or Imperial units). The corresponding Kelvin temperature scales set their zero points at absolute zero by definition.
Absolute hot is a theoretical upper limit to the thermodynamic temperature scale, conceived as an opposite to absolute zero.
highest possible temperature is the Planck temperature, which has the value 1.416785(71)×1032 kelvin, or about 2.55×1032 fahrenheit. Above about 1032 K )
$400/000 billion or 400 trillion story money or budget for 400 years of 4 season gardening each year 1000 billion dollars.
That’s 400/000 b for 400 years, each year 1000b , each 100 years or century 100/000 b
1+ First 100/000 billion for the first century or 21 century, each year 1000 billion dollars
2+ Second 100/000 billion for the first century or 22 centuryeach year 1000 billion dollars
3+ Thierd 100/000 billion for the first century or 23 centuryeach year 1000 billion dollars
4+ Fourth 100/000 billion for the first century or 24 centuryeach year 1000 billion dollars
[( For 4 season garden project, we choose relevant lucky numbers 4 and 40 ) So in about, from -40 to +40 Celsius degree witch most or %90+ of humans and living creature lives globally.]
BBC Future takes the temperature of our planet – and the Universe – to find the hottest and coldest things ever measured.
How cold can it get on Earth? How hot can hot truly get? And, perhaps more importantly, what’s the ideal temperature a hazelnut souffle should be cooked at?
All important questions, and to find out the answers we’ve created the ultimate thermometer, which takes you from absolute zero to what scientists think is the absolute heat limit. Dress appropriately
Energy cause moving and moving cause time, so energy = moving = time.
The humans to measure time, mostly use ( BC and AD, BCE and CE ) calendar globally living now in the 2020s soon to 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 calendar year )
To put together in easy to remember words,
for everyone especially for billions of student now and in the future
using relevant numbers and goals witch
only can be happened one time in:
14 billion years of Big Bang universe,
4 billion years of from the beginning of life,
400 million years of life on lands,
40 million years of primate life,
4 million years of human life,
400/000 years of Homosapien life,
40/000 years of human immigration around the globe, in
4000 years history of civilized human and writing history and
400 years after the publishing of Folio Shakespeares book in the English language, and
40 years after transistor computer and internet and just around
4 to 6 years after un 2030 goals for
4 years of 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
4 centuries of 21 , 22, 23, and 24 century
all 100’s or 1000’s or million years to the future of human history.
Also between coldest -273 to hottest 10*32 zero,
most possible living temperature -40 to +40 to
+21+22+23+24 degrees the best and most chosen favorite temperature.
Blow 21 degrees start to feel cool and need or desire warmer clothes.
Above 24 degrees starts to get feel warm or hot and start to feel or desire cooling air condition or cold drinks and so on….
[ So 7.8 billion humans and few billion younger students now and in the future, everybody can learn, memorize, remember and use information and energy easier, and faster. ] [ all the participants in 4sg promotion in the year 2021, 22, 23, 24 and 21, 22, 23, 24th Centurian gets credits in history.]

$400/000 billion or 400 trillion story money or dream money not real yet or budget for 400 years of 4 season gardening each year 1000 billion or one trillion dollars.
That’s 400/000 b for 400 years, each year 1000b, each 100 years or century 100/000 b
1+ First 100/000 billion for the first century or 21 century, each year 1000 billion dollars
2+ Second 100/000 billion for the first century or 22 century each year 1000 billion dollars
3+ Third 100/000 billion for the first century or 23 century each year 1000 billion dollars
4+ forth, for the year 2024 winter year, 1000 billion dollar and for twenty-fourth 2400 century or winter century 100/000 billion or each year 1000 billion dollars
1+ four seasons Gardening members 4 billion plus interested, likes, use, appreciate, people
2+ 400 million volunteers,
3+ 40 million workings and
4+ 4 million professional, business people
each pro or business 10 working, 100 volunteers, and 1000 interested people
each country relent to their people participants
around for each 100 /000/000 about 40m 4m volnteer 400/000 working 40/000 pros less or more
or for Approximately for each 10 /000/000 about 4m 400t volunteers 40/000 working 4/000 pros less or more %40+ %4+vol= %04+pro
1+ Agriculture age people, gardeners, farmers, all growers + all foods industry like all food workers, supermarkets, groceries, restaurants, coffee shops, etc. water, fire, air, soil, springs, summaries, fall, winters people
2+ industrial age people from industrial ages, all workers and business
3+ people from information ages, teachers, librarians, computer programmers, internet makers
4+ longevity and centenarians, health foodist, Drs, nurses, pharmacist, health pro, health-minded people, health foods self help writers and pros
health-related products and services plus their producers
four seasons shows, party, market, exhibitions,
4 time a year at first of spring summers, falls, winters first day
from 6am to 12 pm earth, agriculture, farmers markets,
from 12 pm to 6 pm Sun and sunshine energy, fire, electricity,
from 6 pm to 12 am moon, full moon night, moonlight all about moon shows
from 12 am to 6 am stars, sky, galaxies, universe and multiverse shows
four seasons shows, party, market, exhibitions,
4 time a year at first of spring summers, falls, winters first day
from 6am to 12 pm earth, agriculture, farmers markets,
always %51+ for seasonal and rest for other 3 seasonal
around 25% for water and spring gardening
around %25% for fire, energy or sunshine and summer gardening
around %25 for air and weather and fall, Autumn gardening
around %25 for land, souls, foods, and winters gardening
4 types of civilized human being and humans civilizations
4 types of civilized human being and humans civilizations base on:
wanting to learn information to know and become able to organize and use 1+ self, 2+ water, 3+ air, 4+ energy, 5+ soil, 6+ planets, 7+ stars and 8+ galaxies 9+ spaces 10+ Times
type 1+ wants to learn information and knows self and how to be able to organize and use his or her, body, mind, feeling and spirit and body water, energies, air and body physics
type 2+ wants to learn information and knows how to be able to organize and use, planets: water, energies, weather, soil, and four seasons gardening agriculture + discovers many laws and creates all kinds of tools for muli usage plus one central computer to control all
type 3+ wants to learn information and knows how to be able to organize and use, planets and stars: water, energies, weather, soil and 1+ to 4+ to 10+ seasons gardening discovers many laws and creates all kinds of tools for muli usage plus one central computer to control all
type 4 + wants to learn information and knows how to be able to organize and use, planets, stars and galaxies: water, energies, weather and soil and 1+ to 4+ to 10+ seasons gardening plus discovers many laws and creates all kinds of tools for muli usage plus one central computer to control all
[ information is key and main or most impotent necessary thing witch fortunately now is the information age, and information increasing or doubling each day or week or month or seasons or year or hopefully each season going to be more information and even products and services plus interested and informed people about Water, fire, air, and soil and related products and services ]
Four seasons gardens agriculture markets, shows and exhibitions plus
Four seasons gardens, spring, water, flowers and roses
Four seasons gardens summer sunshine energy, fruits, vegetables
Four seasons gardens fall autumn air, weather all kinds foods
Four seasons gardens winter, soils, foods,
with the best and newest
from 6 am to 12 pm all about earth and gardens foods shows
from 12 pm to 6 pm all about sunshine energies shows
from 6 pm to 12 am all about full moon shows
from 12 am to 6 am all about star and sky shows
each year 4 shows and 24 hr events
every 10 years 40 shows and 24 hr events
Each 100 year 400 shows and 24 hr events
for any centenarian human maximums, 400 seasonal four seasons gardens show possibility and 400 days and nights or 24 hr shows
each month 1 Fullmoon event
each year 10 or 12 full moon night shows and 24 hr events.
every 10 years 100 or 120 shows and 24 hr events
Each 100 year 1000 or 1200 shows and 24 hr events
for any centenarian max 1000 to 1200 monthly full moon, four seasons gardens show possibility and opportunities for 1200 days and nights or 24 hr shows and agree to enjoy days and nights
1+2+3+4+ or 1234 caring, loving, helping, joining, people or groups, or exports or professionals participant talented and skillful nominated are:
1+ all people in agriculture age, with their best products and service food growing, distributing, serving like Gardeners, farmers, packagers, drivers, business or pro exports, sales with their roses and flowers, honey, and pears
2+ all industrial age with their best products and service working and business and exports and prof, in working tools to smartphone
3+ all people from the ( information age ) with their best products and service, like librarians, teachers, writers, artist ….
4+ all people from ( health and long livity age 100+ or centenarian 4sgardener centenarian ages witch hop ) with their best products and service like health care persons and professionals, nurses, doctors, pharmacist, alternative fully coming soon, health care
all other people and pros with their best products and service which they have or make their own shows and exhibitions around the same days or nights or area can invite or put free transportation free or with a discount or full prices can join and benefits from 4 seasons events
everyone how is interested to join
the guides and organizers for 4sg events are librarians, weather pros or weathermen, and women, showmen and announcers, plus security guards if necessary depends on areas,
100 bi foods 1+1+billion foods a day
100 bi books+
100+b gifts
100+ plus other products and services
4to 8 b people
1b + water people
1b+ enegy, fire, sunshine groups
1b+ air and weathers intersted groups
1b+ spoil s and foods
or mix or change
4 seasons roses and flowers

1234 roses
1+ red rose ( spring roses )
2+ yellow roses ( summer roses )
3+ 4 color or mixed color roses ( fall roses )
4+ white roses ( winter roses )
Smart Rosy and Rosalind
Smart humans with smart goals and smartphones at smart information age.
Rose and roses the best flower and most beautiful looks, lovely smell and fragrant and delishs flower petal to eat.
1 one rose, red rose, four seasons rose, the key to open up the door of mystery of secrets nature and universe to any curious mind and all humanity.
To be Listening to the Shakespeares global friends
To be Talking to the Shakespeares global friends
To be Reading about the Shakespeares global friends
To be writing about the Shakespeares global friends
flowers, Shakespeares global friends, English
to be the Shakespeare global English friends or not to be, that is the question?
to be the listening to global English friends or not to be, that is the question?
to be able to listen
To be Listening about Roses [ specially with lovely song and music
To be Talking about roses
To be Reading about roses
To be writing about roses and flowers
flowers, Skakespeares global friends, English
To be looking to beauty of roses
To be smelling the fragrance of Roses
To be drinking rose water and eating roses petal
To be touching Roses lovely petals and putting on the body
To be focused on roses
To be concentrate on one red rose
To be giving full attention to 1 rose
To be meditating and contemplating on 1 Rose
Spiriually above
materially, physically, in reality, naturally, 4s gardens roses and flowers, fr,vg
emotionally, subconsciously, feelingly, genetically, instinctively,
intellectually words, sounds, languages, Shakespeare, as you like it, Rosalind
CHON is a mnemonic acronym for the four most common elements in living organisms: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen.
Read More: https://wiki2.org/en/CHON

The relative atomic diameters of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and sulfur
Composition of the human body
Body composition may be analyzed in various ways. This can be done in terms of the chemical elements present, or by molecular type e.g., water, protein, fats (or lipids), hydroxylapatite (in bones), carbohydrates (such as glycogen and glucose) and DNA. In terms of tissue type, the body may be analyzed into water, fat, connective tissue, muscle, bone, etc.
Pie charts of typical human body composition by percent of mass, and by percent of atomic composition (atomic percent).
Human Body Elements
Pie charts of typical human body composition by percent of mass, and by percent of atomic composition (atomic percent).
Almost 99% of the mass of the human body is made up of six elements: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus. Only about 0.85% is composed of another five elements: potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, and magnesium. All 11 are necessary for life. The remaining elements are trace elements, of which more than a dozen are thought on the basis of good evidence to be necessary for life. All of the mass of the trace elements put together (less than 10 grams for a human body) do not add up to the body mass of magnesium, the least common of the 11 non-trace elements.
Read More: https://wiki2.org/en/Composition_of_the_human_body
4 writing level for short and long story poems, articles, essay, letters, books
1+ for everyone all age, education, gender
2+ for 5 grade to 12 grade
3+ for university-educated very logical with reasons and documents, scientific
4+ for special interest, topis, grope, ages, genders, spirituality,
specifically for my for fans, readers, flowers,

1+ God 2+ Universe 3+ Humans 4+ life or living and everything else
1+Who am I 2+What is my goal3+Where I’m coming from 4+where I’m going
1+ body 2+ mind 3+ feeling 4+spirit
1+ living 2+ learning 3+ working 4+ socializing
1+ What 2+why 3+who 4+ when 5+ where
1+ seeing 2+ hearing 3+ touch 4+ smell 5+ test
1+ right eye 2+ left eye 3+ right ear 4+ left ear
1+ right hand 2+ left hand 3+ right feet 4+ left feet
1+ right side 2+ left side 3+ front 4+ back 5+ below 6+ top
1+ east 2+ west 3+ south 4+ north
1+ earth 2+ moon 3+ planets 4+ sun, stars and sky
1+ sweet 2+ salty 3+ sour 4+ bitter
1+ Hydrogen 2+ Oxygen 3+ Nitrogen 4+ Carbon
1+ spring 2+ summar 3+ fall 4+ winter
1+ water 2+ fire 3+ air 4+ soil
1+ liquid 2+ energy 3+steem 4+ hard matter frozen
1+ human 2+ animal 3+ vegetation 4+ things
1+ green 2+ yellow 3+ red 4+ blue 5+ black 5+ white
1+ hot 2+ maderate 3+ cold 4+ frozen

almost the same for 10 to 12 monthly full moon shows plus each year 12 months 12 different topics or theme
for example longest night of the year mostly about the moon, shortest night or longest day of the year mostly about Sunshine
full moon close to ventines day mostly about honeymoon
1 full moon about sky and stars 1 about science fiction and all moon literature art and cultures, 1 all about moon designs in arts, accessories and jewelry, fashion,
1+ organize ( spirituality, mentality, body, physicality, health 100+, family, society, computers, information, finance, nature, earth energy
2+ organize and live self, computers, planets, sun energy
3+ organize stars
4+ organize galaxy, universe, multiverse
+ 1 word 234510word
+10000, 203040000100000w
1 time to 1m+ time repeqtion
at 1sc to1hr100hr 1000hr 10/000 hr
from 10to 100yr10/000hr to 1milion hr life time
75 to 100 to 120+ human life span acceptance
1 year ++= 4 seasons = 12 month = 52 weeks = 365 day =
+ 8760 + 5hr = 8765 hours = 525/900 minutes = 31/555/000 seconds =
1100 yrears = 120 years = 3/784/320/000 seconds
4000/000/000 seconds = 127years
How many Hours are in a Year?
Hours in a year calculation
Gregorian calendar year
One calendar common year has 365 days:
1 common year = 365 days = (365 days) × (24 hours/day)
= 8760 hours
One calendar leap year has 366 days – occures every 4 years, when February has 29 days:
1 leap year = 366 days = (366 days) / (24 hours/day)
= 8784 hours
One mean calendar year has 8765.82 hours:
1 mean year = (365+1/4-1/100+1/400) days = (365.2425 days) × (24 hours/day)
= 8765.82 hours
Shakespeare book first folio is the first book in top 10 and top 100 most read books { except religious, educational and specialty books ]
from 14 b y big bang may 12 to 13 billion years was only sounds of nature with no and living being to hear.
hearing stales then 1 billion years ago and in the face of the planet earth from 400m years ago. Dinasores had load voice and for 150+ million years day talked to each other and other creature [ universe did not like their sound and they are terminated ], vegetation does not make sounds. birds, insects, mammals make sounds and communicate with each other. Primates make sound and they have a voice to talk or communicate with each other specially parents and children in their family and a small group of 10 to maximum 100s. [ here are some of the primates mostly monkies and champagnes sound and voice and talks specially ]
List of animal sounds
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is a list of animal sounds. This list contains words used in the English language to represent the noises and vocalizations of particular animals, especially noises used by animals for communication. The words which are used on the list are in the form of verbs, though many can also be used as nouns or interjections, and many of them are also specifically onomatopoeias (labelled “OP”). This list also contains audio recordings of animal sounds.
Read More: https://wiki2.org/en/List_of_animal_sounds
Animal communication
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Animal communication is the transfer of information from one or a group of animals (sender or senders) to one or more other animals (receiver or receivers) that affects the current or future behavior of the receivers. Information may be sent intentionally, as in a courtship display, or unintentionally, as in the transfer of scent from predator to prey. Information may be transferred to an “audience” of several receivers. Animal communication is a rapidly growing area of study in disciplines including animal behavior, sociology, neurology and animal cognition. Many aspects of animal behavior, such as symbolic name use, emotional expression, learning and sexual behavior, are being understood in new ways.
When the information from the sender changes the behavior of a receiver, the information is referred to as a “signal”. Signalling theory predicts that for a signal to be maintained in the population, both the sender and receiver should usually receive some benefit from the interaction. Signal production by senders and the perception and subsequent response of receivers are thought to coevolve.[1] Signals often involve multiple mechanisms, e.g. both visual and auditory, and for a signal to be understood the coordinated behaviour of both sender and receiver require careful study.
Read More: https://wiki2.org/en/Animal_communication
1 Hour of Monkey Sounds by Your Questions Answered
Some chimps are angry at mirrors, while others are calm by Xavier HUBERT-BRIERR
rted 1to 2 billion years ago and making sound or vice sounds in relation to sound,
2100 twenty-first century humans to plan
The normal human body temperature range is typically stated as 36–37.5 °C (97.7–99.5 °F) to ( 36 to 40 ) in 1,2,3,4 degrees differences.
It is controlled genetically, subconsciously, and unconsciously from 36 to 40 degrees celsius differents.
But outside temperature controlled by humans mentally, consciously, by wisdom, thoughts, information, experience, plans, action, and so on…

Absolute zero
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Absolute zero is the lowest limit of the temperature scale. By international agreement, absolute zero is taken as −273.15° on the Celsius scale (International System of Units), which equals −459.67° on the FahrBenheit scale (United States customary units or Imperial units). The corresponding Kelvin temperature scales set their zero points at absolute zero by definition.
Absolute hot is a theoretical upper limit to the thermodynamic temperature scale, conceived as an opposite to absolute zero.
highest possible temperature is the Planck temperature, which has the value 1.416785(71)×1032 kelvin, or about 2.55×1032 fahrenheit. Above about 1032 K )

$ Four seasons garden foods
spring greens healthiest foods 1+ all as is natural, fresh, raw, preferably organic and local
These are all natural as much as in their original state from gardens, farms,
( for 4 billion people who live and work as farmer or gardener and their family, workers and for all natural food lovers and health minded people as the most natural and healthy food with all test, looks, aromas plus more ….)
summer yellow healthy foods 2+ all vegetarian, vegan, cooked foods,
fall, reds normal foods3+ all kind of foods related to animals, meats, poultry, dairy, eggs, seafood ( for anyone who likes meats, Chechen, seafood, dairies, eggs plus any other foods comes from animals
winter Blacks, white or mixed colores unhealthy 4+ All kinds of processed foods, artificial foods ( sugar, ) chemical foods, etc.

Four Seasonal Garden genral all in this 1 pg
BT#+ | 1s Explanation | 2s+ Why | 3s+ What | 4+ What | Results |
1+ | Four season garden | 4s garden, inner 4sg, universal, social | human inner 4sg | god, universe, humanity and life plus averting else | |
2+ | Spring, garden | Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbon | seeing, hearing, smelling, testing,[had] touch | who a m i ? Why I’m here?[what I’m doing here?where I’m coming from? where I’m going? | bbbb |
3+ | summer, garden | front, back, left, right,[up, down | 2 eyes + 2 ears =4 | ||
4+ | fall garden | high, width, left, 4 time | spirit, mind, body, emotional feeling, higher cons | ||
5+ | winter garden | better living, working, learning and ???? | |||
6+ | smart, successful, satisfy, safe | pry, happy, satisfy, connect, choosing | un infoeduc, health food, invienment, energy | ||
7+ | water, drink water | sweet, salty, solver, biter | |||
8+ | fire, energy, light, sunshine | green, yellow, red, blue//with, black,,,,,10clore | dna, Uma, bna,??? | ||
9+ | air, breath, infoeduc | 2019,2020,2021,2022/23, 24 30,45,50,75,2100,2111 | 4sgdn,healthy food, centurion health, | ||
10+ | land, souls, dreath, foods and greens | 4 reason | |||
11+ | hot, cold, frizzing, winds, storms, hercan, | 4 mathematical functions | Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbon????? | centurion 4s gardener, s librarian, smarty..//health, showman | |
12+ | to much rain, snow, hell, dry, forest fire, | ||||
13+ | related, sickness, weakness, quieting, not starting, dipression, hopeless, helpless. lose of life, time, money, things | 4sg clothes underwaer or: 1liar soft healing, 1 lair electronic hot/cold, masage, | |||
14+ | Dec 12/2015 Paris | v | |||
15+ | feel cold, hot, perspiration, | ||||
16+ | moon 4blin year 4s +stablity | ||||
17+ | water, ice, steam, liquied, freazeon, stream, neucos | spirit, love. wisdom, life body | |||
18+ | energy, matters, | ||||
19+ | things, vegtation, animals, human | ||||
20+ |
4sgp or 1234sgp =1234sg = (123/)4sgp= 1234fsgp=4sgp
Temperature classification | |
Core (rectal, esophageal, etc.) | |
Hypothermia | <35.0 °C (95.0 °F)[1] |
Normal | 36.5–37.5 °C (97.7–99.5 °F)[2] |
Fever | >37.5 or 38.3 °C (99.5 or 100.9 °F)[3][4] |
Hyperthermia | >37.5 or 38.3 °C (99.5 or 100.9 °F)[3][4] |
Hyperpyrexia | >40.0 or 41.5 °C (104.0 or 106.7 °F)[5][6] |
Note: The difference between fever and hyperthermia is the underlying mechanism. Different sources have different cuts offs for fever, hyperthermia and hyperpyrexia. | |
v t e |
4 seasons gardens plus story by Roy Story [ writer ]
4 seasons garden story begins from 1/1/2000. ofical opening going to be 2020 to see.
bigbang 14b13.7/ sun and earth 4.5b and life 4b in ocean and from 400/000 y on the land
humaoyed 4m 40/000 human , 10/000bc achrcher 4000yr human writen history 400 y age of wisdom to 2015 un,,pars to2020 /2030/2045/ 2050// 21/22/23/2400/ un m 2000 to 3000 ad
2021 spiring and water year and 2000 to 2100 or 21 century be come spiring and water century .
2022 summer year and 22 century summer energy and fire century.
2023 fall year and 23 century becomes fall century.
2024 wineter year and 2400 winter century.
Is big bang hapend in absout 0 tempture or that is only ./////
in human known univers tempture are from absotu 0 [-273c] to 1000/000/000+c
in the earth from -100 to+100. most human live -50 to +50c but for 4sgp -40 to +40.
most human live in betwen +40 to -20 or ideal is +10to30c
between all from -273 to 100/000/000/000 c ideal choosen [ for liv,wk,lrning soc+ ]tempture are 21,22,23,24c = or 4c
like eart beetween 100 bilion plant is unick human favert temture also unick only 4 degree and thats 21,22,23,24c
for almost all human and some animal and vetation 21c/22c,23,24c are most favert living tameture.
2020plus, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024.92030)[ 2000=2100=2200+2300+2400+
400yr 400 Spiring 400 sumer 400 fall, winter
4 steligth
best of human age 21/22/23/24
[ 4 concsiousec of public. cseince,histrorical, moral , economy,
most plantes orbits are unstable
less than 3% of a gas cloud actaully makes a star.
most places kill life inatantly – heat – radiaon – cold
galaxyies, stare colisions, black whole
notes:earhquakes, volcanoes level cities and villages
tsunamies//// floods, tornadoes/ hurrican, lightning strike
can’t live on 2/3 of its surface and freeze or starve on half of what remains.
mass extincations-disease/ climate shift/ killer asteroide
90% of all life [form ] that ever lived is now extinct
inner solar system is a shooting galletsn?//
3,5 billion years to make miti – celluar life
All living …. have subconsiously mange to keep thier body temputure at the most sutable for living.
human sious choisebody genticly or instictivly keep at aroud 37 insid the body tempeputre, out side tepture are 50/50 or 40-40+ wich most favert con
i drink water, you dronk water, we drink water all living being drink water.
i live in the water, you, we all living…
i read ebook, you, we al
i live with ervry word i read u,we,al
4sg clothes underwaer or: 1liar soft healing, 1 lair electronic hot/cold, masuages, 1lair hot/cold/
1lair rain, water prof, uncotable, [sharp or nidle, ,fcy/zerbe//dert, dust, oil, smok, sunshine ulravilets,
nano, all body plus had, soaks,
1one season production
2 season production
3 season production
4season production plus
4 sg islands,= sites, story, software, games, interactive, stimulant,
hotel,s//market,produces,produce, farmer,land, city,home,univercity,
show, library ,,,, 4sgdner, info libr, smat,,,, health, centurion, smart phones computers plus most electronic ….device
info, educ, entertan, products, services, topics, showman, promoter
4sgdn, healtyfood, centurion, 100 plus time round trip around the sun
4 four-season garden plus , shows, exhibition, market [organic, natural, any kind foods ]
4 year, 10,20,30,100 year, untill 2020,2030,2045, 2050,2075,2100, and11, 111/111/111 remember memo lib till 2444,4,4,and 4,444 year4444-
rain, floods, snow, hill, ice, freeze, hot, moderate, fire forest,
winds, storms, cloudy days, wet,
days and nights cold or freasing, cloldy, windy, raining, snowing,
[ un 4seasonal = earth queicks, sky stone,
info, stimulant, = unknown, fear, vory, anxiety, excuse, leasy, givup,
discomfort, 123102030%- lower or less mental and physical works lower spiritual and emotional energy or
come and join to remember or to be remember in 1 universal day 4sng library memorial day
automatic smart four season garden
Goals, ideas, Schedules, plus
to create, write, design, plus
4asgrdn unites to produce sprouts, greens plus
for most of places, times, home, business, …
four season garden info library ,
one side is spring library, summer lb, fall lib, and of course winter library.
for homes and apartment indoor 4s gardening
for every where indoor or green houses,
for every where out door in the home balcony, home yard,
or in stores and restaurants, boths and ships
in around walkways or streets, garden or land farm,
1. one unit 4to10 flower or container,
2. top water cube clean
3. bottom water container used water plus extra lager container for all unit if necessary,
4. one container storage, extra seeds, beans,,,,,
5. 1or2or.. clean for spouts
6. 1 or 2 with dearth for sprouts, babe green
7. water filter in top
8. light, sound, decoration on top or all-around and in the water
9. 4 corner, lole/pr, 1 water, 2, air, 3, power, 4 dearth, fertilizer
10. other micilinous adjustable air flow, water, light and hits control or auto or 4time a day auto
for homes and apartment indoor 4s gardening
around 150 centimeter high and 50c w/lent [ it can be small or large fridge sizes and high, almost look like normal fridge
in the bottom 4 wheel or if is permeate with no wheel, on large 10 liters dorors or container as used water container witch all used comes to that also is like safety container for all water above,
in the simpler one there is 10 litter water clear glass contianer in the top witch have laid to tack it off and ful the water.
tiney water holes with spray in the had to spray sprouts in trays below.
in the one level hihger water runs by setting timer automaticly for as maney time doring days and night.
and water get though small holhs down to fan and get spray to all area of trays for as long as time is set.
water and water filter// in the top 10 litter clear glass water cube [ or any shapes ] with one fused to use for drinking water
electricity power, light and sounds, mix color party light with relevant music
air filter, air circulator and warmer and fan
dearth, seeds, fertilizer
1level sprouted, seeds, beans or legumes, greens, babe greens, large greens
1level green
1level with dart
[ smart four season garden, can work automatically or manually or mix and can produce
mixed 1 to 10 to 100 plus types of seeds to sprout,
mixed 1 to 10 to 100 plus types of grains to sprout,
mixed 1 to 10 to 100 plus types of beans or legumes to sprout,
mixed 1 to 10 to 100 plus types of nuts to soaks and to sprout,
mixed 1 to 10 to 100 plus types of herbs to sprout or to make babe greens
mixed 1 to 10 to 100 plus types of herbs, beans and seeds to sprout or to make babe greens
and many other types of greens
first and mostly for human use
or for domestic and farm animal use for home or commercial
or for any types of gardening or farming for home or commercial
can produce for each square miter of container
daily 1 to 10 kilograms
weekly 1 to 10 kilograms plus
monthly 10 to 100 kilograms plus
seasonally 30 to 300 kilograms plus
yearly 100 to 1000 kilograms plus
10 year 1000 to 10/000 kilograms plus
100 year 10/000 to 100/000 kilograms plus
1000 year or un millennium sustainable developments
or untie human can find much better way
Sprouts and small greens can consume with majority of people.
Kids, teens, young, middle age, senores and centurion,
boys, girls, mans and woman’s
dictionanray, encycolopidai, quetion, storage
words, sentences, paragraphs, topics, subjects, ideas, discoveries, thoughts, innovations,
abundance, sustainable, continuously grow nutrient dense sprouts, herbs, micro greens, small
indoors, living or live foods, living produce, nutrition density, grow, compression to month or seasonal or yearly
,solution, cultivating, tor, fresh, growing, benefits, commercial units, pure, delicious, freshness, facility, accessible,
fastest growing , drainage, removable, trays, dividers, drainage, sprouting seeds, lifetime, clean, As that is a very specific size and shape, experiment freely, but as long as you keep the seeds moist all through growing, it can be done.
wiki=Sprouts are rinsed two to four times a day, depending on the climate and the type of seed, to provide them with moisture and prevent them from souring. Each seed has its own ideal sprouting time. After three to five days the sprouts will have grown to 5 to 8 centimeters (2–3 in) in length and will be suitable for consumption. If left longer they will begin to develop leaves, and are then known as baby greens. A popular baby green is sunflower after 7–10 days. Refrigeration can be used as needed to slow or halt the growth process of any sprout.
opprtunity, risk, chalenge, proseces for any realstice and achiviable task
Of course, there’s an exception to every rule.
reading for leading
inspiring beauty
make, creat, invate
Four Seasonal Garden Story 1
The four major components in the acquisition of a language are namely; listening,speaking, reading and writing.
Of course, there’s an exception to every rule.
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